We join together in thought, prayer, and intention for the purpose of experiencing, understanding, and facilitating peace.
On September 11, 2001, war came home to our country, dangerously close to some of our children. A few months after this tragic event, members and former members of The Farm, an intentional community created in 1971 as an alternative to our country’s pursuit of war, came together to form PeaceRoots Alliance. PeaceRoots is a network of people from around the world who are responding with an affirmation of our pacifist beliefs through direct action.
We acknowledge our connections to each other.
We acknowledge our connections to all human beings everywhere.
We acknowledge our connection to all life force everywhere.
We are all one.
May we come to know peace in each of our hearts and minds.
May we find and create peace in our relationships with each other.
May we share that peace with our friends, our families, our neighbors, and our communities.
And may the roots of peace grow strong and deep and network throughout every land on our beloved planet, until all human beings live together in harmony, cooperation, justice, and respect for each other.
So be it.

In the early days of The Farm Community, Michael O’Gorman led us to the fields in the noble task of growing our own food, a leader who inspired others with his selfless dedication. On September 11, 2001, Michael’s daughter was outside the World Trade Center before its collapse.
Called from his heart to respond, Michael put out a call to the The Farm’s network of friends and family, resulting in several national meetings, an international teleconference, and the ultimate founding of PeaceRoots Alliance in February, 2002. Our collective thanks to Michael for his continued inspiration and vision.